SentoSensations 3: Presented by sankaku and Demsky
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We’re back on 11/23 with a fabulous one-day festival at Tokyo bathhouse Denki-yu for the third year running! 11/23、あの沸きに沸いたSentoSensationsが今年も更に進化し新たな熱狂と共に電気湯へ帰ってきます!
Last year, SentoSensations was all about launching new projects like sankaku’s ramen book, and Demsky’s new single. But at its core, a sento like Denki-yu has an important social role: bringing a community together. So, this year, we’re celebrating our community and all the creativity, culture, and craft they have to offer in a venue that’s really special to us!
・Open: 12:00 PM / Start 12:30 PM
・前売券: 1,000円 / Advance Tickets: 1,000 yen
・当日券: 1,500円 / Door Tickets: 1,500 yen
・会場: 電気湯 / Venue: Denki-yu
12:00 START
12:30-13:00 Bath Time Chat with Professor Stevie Suan
13:00-14:00 SentoSessions #1: Big Trouble in Translating Japan
Panel Discussion with Polly Barton, Leo Elizabeth Takada and Florentyna Leow
14:00-15:00 SentoSessions #2: Tokyo Style Third Spaces
Panel Discussion with Chris Palmieri, Katsu Okubo, Christian Dimmer, and Takato Henmi
15:00-16:00 SECRET OPENER (Don’t miss it!!!)
16:00-17:00 kin leonn
17:00-18:00 FAT HAMSTER & KANG New
18:00-19:00 Full Spectrum Sound and Rem Kina
19:00-20:00 Demsky
20:00-21:00 nonomi
21:00 CLOSE
kin leonn (Singapore)
Fat Hamster | 팻햄스터 & KANG New 캉뉴 (South Korea)
Rem Kina (Kyoto)
Sound Powered By AIAIAI
▼Food & Drinks
Patty Pan
Stevie Suan